- Информация о материале
- Категория: Семинары
- Опубликовано: 29 сентября 2015
- Просмотров: 5332

В рамках работы МИГ «Исследование ранних предвестников разрушения в твёрдых телах и разработка современных методов их мониторинга» в ПНИПУ и ИМСС УрО РАН состоится цикл лекций профессора Юргена Бэра (Университет вооруженных сил, Мюнхен, Германия)
Расписание лекций:
29 сентября: ПНИПУ, Главный корпус, аудитория 426. 11:00-13:00
Зарождение и распространение трещины в технических алюминиевых сплавах (Crack Initiation and Propagation in Technical Aluminium Alloys)
30 сентября: ИМСС УрО РАН, актовый зал. 11:00-13:00
Lock-in термография и измерение потока тепла для анализа диссипации энергии при распространении усталостной трещины (Lock-In Thermography and Heat Flow Measurements for Analyzing Heat Dissipation during Fatigue Crack Propagation)
Зарождение и распространение трещины в технических алюминиевых сплавах (Crack Initiation and Propagation in Technical Aluminium Alloys)
The cyclic lifetime of metallic materials is normally divided into crack initiation and crack propagation. Experiments with single overloads on notched specimen have shown that cracks were initiated within the first 5% of the cyclic lifetime. This shows that a lifetime prediction based on crack propagation should deliver good results when the early stages of crack propagation, i.e. the propagation of short cracks, can be included.
In experiments without overloads the crack initiation plays also a minor ole. For a detailed investigation the potential drop method was improved to study the early stages of crack propagation. Also microscopic methods were used to investigate the propagation of short cracks at notches. Different approaches for describing the early stages of crack propagation were applied on the experimental results. A two dimensional description of the propagation of short fatigue cracks at notches shows a good agreement with the experimental results and therefore this offers the possibility to describe the cyclic lifetime of technical alloys based on fatigue crack propagation.
Lock-in термография и измерение потока тепла для анализа диссипации энергии при распространении усталостной трещины (Lock-In Thermography and Heat Flow Measurements for Analyzing Heat Dissipation during Fatigue Crack Propagation)
The lock-in thermography and the peltier based heat flow measurement are interesting methods for investigating the fatigue behavior of metallic materials. The peltier based heat flow measurement allows quantitative measurements of the dissipated energies within a defined area. With lock in thermography space resolved measurements are possible. Both methods will be introduced and the possibilities for investigations of the crack propagation behavior of metallic materials will be discussed. Results of combined measurements during fatigue crack propagation experiments with constant force as well as constant stress intensity will be presented.
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