- Информация о материале
- Категория: Семинары
- Опубликовано: 24 июля 2015
- Просмотров: 6603

В рамках работы МИГ «Исследование ранних предвестников разрушения в твёрдых телах и разработка современных методов их мониторинга» в ПНИПУ и ИМСС УрО РАН состоится цикл лекций профессора Жана Кристофа Джерарда Батсаля (Университет Бордо, Бордо, Франция)
Профессор Ж-К. Батсаль является членом научного совета французского института метрологии "Национальное бюро метрологии", отвечающим за измерение температуры и теплоотдачи. Профессор Ж-К. Батсаль научный руководитель лаборатории Fluides et Transferts (TREFLE) и группы "Thermicar" (группы, отвечающей за коммерциализацию инфракрасных технологий в лаборатории Fluides et Transferts (TREFLE) в институте I2M, ENSAM).
Расписание лекций:
Июль 27 (понедельник)
14:00-16:00 Обработка инфракрасных изображений с целью бесконтактного определения физических параметров - основное направление исследований института И2М в области инфракрасной термографии (Infrared image processing devoted to thermal non-contact characterization- A connecting thread for the I2M-Bordeaux activities in the field of IR thermography)
Generally the IR images are related to the transient temperature field related to the emission of a black surface in response to an external or internal heating (active IR thermography). At I2M-Bordeaux, the first applications were devoted to the so called thermal Non-Destructive Evaluation methods. But with simplified assumptions related to the transverse diffusion, the in-plane diffusion and transport phenomena can be also considered and applied to microfluidics or multispectral detection. There are a lot of possible strategies to process the big amount of temperature data (previous integral transformation of the images, compression, elimination of the non useful areas…), generally based on the necessity to analyze the derivative of the temperature field versus space and time.
Место проведения: ПНИПУ, Главный корпус, аудитория 212.
Июль 28 (вторник)
14:00-16:00 Квадрупольные методы решения уравнения теплопроводности с использованием интегральных преобразований (Quadrupole methods-Solving the heat Equation Through integral transforms)
Solving the heat equations through integral transforms is a way to build a solution in an explicit form and finally obtain a numerical solution or an approached suitable expression. It constitutes a modelling and calculation tool based on a very efficient and systemic methodological approach.
The classical examples of applications are related to harmonic excitations of buildings, transfer in composite media or thermal contact resistances. Such examples are always related to the study of simple measurement approaches of the thermophysical properties or the detection of heat sources inside multilayered samples.
The presentation will be first devoted to simple one dimensional transient problems, then multidimensional transfers and time-dependent periodic regimes.
Several general remarks related to the processing of temperature fields (lumped analysis, separable solutions, electrical analogy and capacity-resistance models ) will be useful for the third talk.
Место проведения: ПНИПУ, Главный корпус, аудитория 212.
Июль 29 (среда)
11:00-13:00 Построение карты температуропроводности по данным инфракрасной термографии и одновременное измерение величины теплопроводности без влияния теплоёмкости (Simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity separated from the heat capacity and thermal diffusivity mapping with IR thermography)
The classical Non-Destructive methods with IR thermography are based on the estimation of a characteristic time in response to a pulsed or periodic heating. Such methods allow to estimate a thermal diffusivity (in m2s-1) or a characteristic time. The thermal diffusivity is the ratio between the thermal conductivity and the volume heat capacity. Unfortunately, it is generally difficult to separate the thermal conductivity from the heat capacity when the heat flux is not calibrated and perfectly known.
It is here proposed to examine the classical heat probes methods (based on contact measurements and the analysis of a temperature response to a calibrated Joule heating) and to adapt such methods to the processing of pulsed hot spot responses by separating the multidirectional transfer.
Such considerations must generate a debate for the analysis of the study of the variation of thermophysical properties of damaged composite samples related to tensile tests or other mechanical tests developed in Perm University.
Место проведения: ИМСС УрО РАН, БОН, аудитория 203.