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The second School for Young Scientists «Monitoring of Natural and Technogenic Systems»
16-18 November 2020, Perm
First Announcement
The Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences announces the holding of the School for Young Scientists “Monitoring of Natural and Technogenic Systems” from November 16 to 18, 2020, which is organized with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation as part of project No. 19-77-30008.
Online translations are accessible thow links:
Read more: The second School for Young Scientists «Monitoring of Natural and Technogenic Systems»
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The School for Young Scientists “Monitoring of Natural and Technogenic Systems”, November 25 to 27, 2019, Perm
NEW! The program of School is available (PDF).
Online translations are accessible thow links:
Second Announcement
The Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences announces the holding of the School for Young Scientists “Monitoring of Natural and Technogenic Systems” from November 25 to 27, 2019, which is organized with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation as part of project No. 19-77-30008.
The program of the School, including lectures by leading Russian and foreign scientists, is available on the website https://www.icmm.ru/nauka/konferentsii and in the Attachment to this announcement. The program is being currently brought up to a desired format by including additional papers.
The program of the School of Young Scientists is included in the plan of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, is approved by the Technical Committee 17 (Non-Destructive Assessment)of the European Society for Structural Integrity (ESIS), and the Russian Committee of ESIS and corresponds to the theme of the Perm scientific-educational center of world level «Rational subsoil use»
Application for participation
The on-line registration of all conference participants is mandatory at the school website before 10 November, 2019.
The School is planned to be non-contributory (free of the conference fee)
The School will be held in Perm under the auspices of PFRC UB RAS at the address: Perm, Acad. Korolev Str. 3. The participants will be lodged at Perm hotels. More useful information about the rates and hotel descriptions can be found at http://hotel.perm.ru/. The on-line city map is available at the site: http://perm.2gis.ru/
Dates to remember
October 10, 2019 – the third announcement containing the Program of the School;
Before October 10, 2019 - registration of the School participants
Contact address:
Acad. Korolev St. 1
Executive Secretary
Yurlova Natalia
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +7 (342) 237 83 20
Read more: The School for Young Scientists - Second Announcement
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- Category: Conference
- Hits: 5349
Physics of Cancer: Interdisciplinary Problems and Clinical Applications
Transdisciplinary Conference “Physics of Cancer: Mechanobiology, Multiscale Data Analysis and Clinical Application”, March 22-25, 2016, Tomsk, Russia, is organized in the development of Trilateral Russia-Germany-France Workshop “Oncology: on the Frontiers of Molecular Genetics, Biophysics and Medicine, June 5-8, 2012, Perm, Russia”.
Main topics
- Actual transdisciplinary problems of cancer diagnostics and treatment
- Cell biology and cell mechanics and their impact on cancer progression
- New technologies and theoretical models for cancer research
- Mechano-genetics of the cell: application to embryonic and tumoral development
- Multi-scale analysis and modeling of genomic, epigenetic and microscopy data, methodology and application to cancer
- Application of molecular genetics technology and biophysics methods in target therapy and cancer risk estimation
- Modern materials and diagnostic methods for cancer treatment
- Cancer nanotechnology
- Materials / implants for reconstructive oncology
Conference has the aim to gather researchers working in the fields of physics of cancer, biophysics and medicine to discuss the challenging approaches for the cancer risk estimation.