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- Category: Лекции и мастер-классы
- Published: 11 December 2019
- Hits: 3497
Школа молодых ученых «Мониторинг природных и техногенных систем» 25-27 ноября 2019 г.
Выступление профессора Trampus Peter (Венгрия)
In recent decades, enormous efforts focus on increasing the performance of engineering structures and components. Assets of high value and of high risk such as power and process plants, offshore platforms, bridges are ageing but there is a significant need for their further use. Materials ageing leads to gradual reduction of the safety margins of these structures and components. At the same time the general understanding on safety has been changing. Risk being acceptable by the society is decreasing, and this forces governments to render the safety regulations progressively more serious. Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) delivers an essential input to structural integrity analysis and thus it plays an important role in assessing safety of structures and components.
In the first part of the presentation the major trends characterizing the changes, i.e. the challenges will be shown. Among others development in structural integrity analysis, fracture mechanics, also the appearance of life management as an independent discipline as well as consideration of risk in a broader sense will be discussed. After that those elements of the technical development will be presented, which respond to the challenges triggered by the changes. Almost all of these can be connected to the development of information technology and micro- and nanoelectronics, and contribute to the improvement in flaw detection, characterization and sizing. Among solutions however there are some whose goal is the reduction in cost and/or examination time.
Special attention will be paid to the digitalization and its impact on NDE. In this context specialization of procedures, real-time quality control, on-line in-service inspection, NDE modelling and simulation, 3D visualization, big data management, proactive management of materials degradation, structural health monitoring will be presented. The presentation will also deal with the NDE in light of the Industry 4.0.
Examples will be selected from literature and from own research