- Details
- Category: Conference 2016
- Hits: 25398
Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations | Perm State Academy of Medicine named after Acad. E.A.Wagner, Perm, Russia |
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS, Perm, Russia | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel |
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia | Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia | Institut Curie, Paris, France |
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia | Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France |
National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia | Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies, Bures-sur-Yvette, France |
Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russia | Institute for Biophysics, Bremen, Germany |
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Technology Platform “Medicine of the Future”, Russia |
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Tomsk Cancer Research Institute, Russia |
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia |
University of Leipzig, Institute of Experimental Physics, Leipzig, Germany | Innovative territorial center "INO Tomsk" |
Acad. Hertzen Research Oncology Institute, Moscow, Russia |
Transdisciplinary Conference “Physics of Cancer: Mechanobiology, Multiscale Data Analysis and Clinical Application” is organized in the development of Trilateral Russia-Germany-France Workshop “Oncology: on the Frontiers of Molecular Genetics, Biophysics and Medicine, June 5-8, 2012, Perm, Russia” and has the aim to gather researchers working in the fields of physics of cancer, biophysics and medicine to discuss the challenging approaches for the cancer risk estimation.
Cancer has been shown to be related to genetic mutations that could facilitate cellular escape from homeostatic tissular control. The subsequent growth and progression of a tumor is an inherently multiscale process. At the sub-cellular level, despite the fact that the nucleus is one of the most important components of the cell, little is known about the contribution of the nuclear shape and size to the mechanical regulation of the genome function. The physical coupling between chromatin assembly and various nuclear and cytoplasmic scaffolds remains poorly understood. Conception of mechanobiology will be applied to the study of physical factors involved in the process of mechanotransduction, as the ability to sense the forces and physical environment at the scales of cells and tissue. Mechanobiology, based on multi-disciplinary expertise including molecular, cell and tissue biology, mathematics, computational modeling, physics, physical chemistry and engineering, can thus help understanding mechanical functions across molecular, cellular and tissue levels. Among the key issues that will be addressed in this workshop, special focus will be on modern methods of spatio-temporal analysis of various biological and medical signals including those issued from molecular-genetic studies, mammography and infrared data, as well as images from different microscopy devices (e.g. confocal microscopy, AFM, SEM, SSPM). Concepts, methodologies, numerical and experimental techniques coming from statistical mechanics and nonlinear physics combined with multi-scale signal processing will be discussed with the specific goal to establish some structural (mechanical) correlation with clinic stages of tumor progression and marker risk estimation.
Main topics
- Actual transdisciplinary problems of cancer diagnostics and treatment
- Cell biology and cell mechanics and their impact on cancer progression
- New technologies and theoretical models for cancer research
- Mechano-genetics of the cell: application to embryonic and tumoral development
- Multi-scale analysis and modeling of genomic, epigenetic and microscopy data, methodology and application to cancer
- Application of molecular genetics technology and biophysics methods in target therapy and cancer risk estimation
- Modern materials and diagnostic methods for cancer treatment
- Cancer nanotechnology
- Materials / implants for reconstructive oncology
International organizing committee
O.B. Naimark - Perm, Russia |
S.G. Psakhie - Tomsk, Russia |
A. Arneodo - Lyon, France |
E. Gutmanas - Haifa, Israel |
F. Argoul - Bordeaux, France | O.A. Orlov - Perm, Russia | O.S. Gileva - Perm, Russia | O.A. Plekhov - Perm, Russia |
V.L. Popov - Berlin, Germany | I. Gotman - Haifa, Israel | D.O. Zharkov - Novosibirsk, Russia | P.P. Kaminsky - Tomsk, Russia |
J. A. Käs - Leipzig, Germany | O.S. Kobyakova - Tomsk, Russia | S.N. Kulkov - Tomsk, Russia |
A. Lesne - Paris, France |
A.I. Lotkov - Tomsk, Russia | G.V. Mayer - Tomsk, Russia | V.P. Matveyenko - Perm, Russia | M. Radmacher - Bremen, Germany |
I.V. Reshetov - Moscow, Russia | A.A. Tashkinov - Perm, Russia | E. Farge - Paris, France | G.G. Freund - Perm, Russia |
E.L. Choynzonov - Tomsk, Russia | S. Schmauder - Stuttgart, Germany | J. Schreiber - Dresden, Germany | A.N. Yakovlev - Tomsk, Russia |
Program committee
Co-Chairman | |||
A. Arneodo - Lyon, France | O.B. Naimark - Perm, Russia | ||
Members | |||
F. Argoul - Bordeaux, France |
M. Radmacher - Bremen, Germany |
S.P. Buyakova - Tomsk, Russia | E.N. Slavnova - Moscow, Russia |
A. Lesne - Paris, France | E. Farge - Paris, France | M.I. Lerner - Tomsk, Russia | G.G. Freund - Perm, Russia |
G.V. Mayer - Tomsk, Russia | N.V. Cherdyntseva - Tomsk, Russia | L.L. Meisner -Tomsk, Russia | Yu.P. Sharkeev - Tomsk, Russia |
O.A. Orlov - Perm, Russia | A.N. Yakovlev - Tomsk, Russia |
Technical committee
K.A. Kolesnikova - Tomsk, Russia
Yu.V. Bayandin - Perm, Russia | I.P. Mishin - Tomsk, Russia | A.N. Belkin - Perm, Russia | M.V. Nadjozhkin - Tomsk, Russia |
E.I. Gerasimova - Perm, Russia | A.A. Neiman - Tomsk, Russia | E.Yu. Gudimova - Tomsk, Russia | A.S. Nikityuk - Perm, Russia |
A.S. Lozhkomoev - Tomsk, Russia | D.V. Orlova - Tomsk, Russia | T.V. Libik - Perm, Russia | V.N. Timkin - Tomsk, Russia |
M.A. Khimich - Tomsk, Russia | E.V. Melnikov - Tomsk, Russia |
Conference proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings indexed by Web of Science .
Conference participants are invited to submit four-page papers in English written according to the paper submission instructions not later than April 25, 2016 to the organizing committee, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The conference program.
Official languages will be Russian and English.
Presentation of reports
The conference will consist of oral and poster sessions. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided at the conference sessions. Oral presentations will be limited to 30 min (including discussion); computer projectors will be available. The size of poster presentations should be 60×80 cm. Computer and poster presentations must be prepared in English.
Prior registration is available online at the conference website until March 1, 2016.
The online registration requires the submission of an abstract of the conference report of no more than 1000 characters and spaces written in English according to the instructions. The title of the file with the abstract must include the surname and initials of the author, e.g., Ivanov_VM.doc.
Registration fee
The registration fee for the conference participants is 100 €. The registration fee includes participation in the conference sessions, participant's bag, publication in AIP Conference Proceedings, and refreshments.
Banking details for payment in euro
Intermediary bank:
account 0102758018
Bank beneficiary:
Settlement account № 40501978010030200001 ISPMS SB RAS
- The nearest hotel to the conference venue is the Congress Centre “Rubin",
phone/fax: (3822) 49-26-89, 49-25-59, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please specify the name of the conference on reservation. - Accommodation is also possible at Tomsk Bon Apart Hotel.
March 1, 2016: Registration
April 25, 2016: Paper acceptance
Conference Secretary
Victor N. Timkin
Phone: +7 3822 28 69 82
Fax:+7 3822 49 25 76
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal address
2/4, Akademicheskii pr., Tomsk, 634055, Russia